
Monday, May 12, 2008

The World Peace Religion - The Solution for the Middle East Crisis

Written By Karen Fish

The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Everyone else and the countries they all live in by tying them all together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.
The World Peace Religion is the blueprint for World Peace handed down by God of Mount Sinai, aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Adonai, Elohim, Hashem etc. millennia ago to every single Biblical Prophet including Moses, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Malachi, Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad. The problem is, you can lead a horse dying of thirst to water but you can’t make it drink. The people of Earth are the horse dying of thirst, The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion is the water, but you can’t make it drink. Why is that?

Let us start at the beginning. Let us look for the root cause of the world’s problems. The root cause of the world’s problems are the Earthlings aka the Human Beings aka the Homo sapiens. If not for Earthlings the Earth would be a pristine Garden of Eden. The air, water and earth would all be crystal clear and clean.
There would be no war, no pollution, no global warming, no melting polar ice caps, no oceans rising 50 feet and submerging most of the earth’s land, and no nuclear cloud from the impending Nuclear World War 3 encircling the tiny ball called earth for 1 year, which will eat away all of the ozone, which will make lead melt on the surface of the earth as it does on Venus, where there is no ozone layer to protect from the nuclear rays of the sun. Life on earth is about to go extinct forever at human hands.
Human beings have already killed off thousands of species and now are on the verge of killing off the rest including themselves. In actuality viewed from the viewpoint of every other species, the root cause of the world’s problems are the human beings.

The dramatic irony of the play being acted out upon the earth is that the human beings believe that the members of their religious group are righteous Angels. In fact Satan Himself couldn’t do a better job of wiping out all life on Earth forevermore in the impending world wide nuclear fire and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer.
Perhaps notions of world peace for human beings are just delusions. Perhaps it is like trying to train great white sharks not to eat smaller weaker fish. The real solution for the Middle East Crisis would be the removal of our species from planet earth. One is faced with the very real question, “Are there humans in Heaven?”

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion

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